Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Shirley Maclaine

Actress Shirley MacLaine, winner of an Oscar, three Emmys and 10 Golden Globes, offers a collection of small observations and big-picture questions in her latest book, "I'm Over All That." In it, she shares with readers things that she is over dealing with in life, at home and in love.

This book contain of the award winning actress and bestselling author pens the funniest, most timely and most accessible book of her career, detailing all the things she’s over and a few things she’s not.

At a certain time in life, we all come to realize what is truly important to us and what just doesn't matter. For Shirley MacLaine, that time is now. In this wise, witty, and fearless collection of small observations and big-picture questions, she shares with readers all those things that she is over dealing with in life, in love, at home, and in the larger world... as well as the things she will never get over, no matter how long she lives.

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