Saturday, May 21, 2011

Agni Pratista in Nude

Miss Indonesia Foundation (YPI) will take stern action after know the reason of Agni Pratistha that appear to pose topless a lot now in cyberspace. Also YPI also seeking materials related to those actions of Miss Indonesia 2006.

Ahmad R Subing as Asissten Corp..Public Relations Manager of Miss Indonesian Foundation when contacted by telephone on Thursday (19 / 5) night revealed that the photograph as a usual matter of course, but as Miss of Indonesia should keep the image eventually became extraordinary.

"Actually, the usual things like other adult magazines, but because he's so incredibly Miss of Indonesia. So we find out first, is that right? The reason for what? We are again looking for the magazine," said Ahmad R Subing.

"We have not seen the photographs, but we know from online media, the information that we can be said for the magazine. We're looking for the magazine to confirm whether it is true," he continued.

The first action to be performed YPI is a clarification on that question. The reason of negligence for which they received a contract to pose make lower image of Miss of Indonesia as a whole.

"Dari YPI mungkin akan klarifikasi ke Agni, kalau benar kita akan tanyakan alasannya apa, dan akan kita kasih nasihat sebagai Puteri Indonesia dia harus menjaga citra yang melekat di dia," ungkapnya.
Padahal, lanjut Ahmad R Subing, untuk para calon Puteri Indonesia sudah ditekankan supaya selalu menjaga image walaupun sudah lepas dari YPI. Sebelum mereka terpilih, bahkan saat masih di karantina sudah ditekankan hal itu.

"Sebelum mereka terpilih sudah kita kasih tahu, bahkan sejak di dalam karantina. Tapi kadang-kadang mereka menganggap itu suatu hal yang biasa, makanya kita kasih pengarahan lagi supaya tidak diikuti sama yang lain," pungkasnya. (kpl/hen/dar).


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